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Video postproduction service

With our video postproduction service we capture the magic of live broadcasts and video recordings to create reusable, ready-to-use video content for you. With the expertise of our professional television production team, we transform recorded live streams and videos into captivating content that will engage your audience. Whether it’s trimming out bloopers or creating thematic videos, we know how to grab attention with our unique and creative solutions!

Who do we recommend video postproduction solution to?

We recommend our video postproduction as an additional service to all the customers we worked for and made live production jobs. It is the most cost-effective way to make

  • short videos for your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
  • longer videos for your YouTube channel
  • marketing videos to your clients
  • broadcast material to a TV channel
  • a video archive to keep it on any kind of drive
  • videos of the pars of the entire live-streamed event

Why choose our postproduction service?

  • As television program producers, we approach our work with a television mindset.
  • We have been in the ENG business for more than a decade. We know the most effective workflows and broadcast delivery standards.
  • We are a social media agency and operate Meta pages, so we know much about the latest digital video formats and processes and for sure we know the list of effective video material you might need during a live event.
  • We have a massive amount of international experience.
  • We employ redundant methods to ensure recording of the event, providing constant backup footage.
  • We focus on our core tasks and only take on services that we are fully confident in delivering.
  • We communicate in your language, using clear and everyday terms. We avoid mystifying or complicating our communication.

What will happen when we work together?

Your event and its quality are of utmost importance to us. While we become an integral part of the event, we aim to have a holistic view to ensure that the viewers see and experience what truly matters. We understand the need for collaboration with other service providers, which may raise some questions. We will guide you through the process, offering support with best practices. We will share tips on how to achieve a smooth collaboration to ensure that the live stream becomes the perfect end result.